Friday, April 16, 2021


इस अस्तित्व में हम किसी भी वस्तु, क्रिया, या शब्द का अर्थ जान या समझ नहीं सकते हैं। व्यावहारिक जीवन के लिए, नियंत्रण और सरलता के लिए हमने अनेक भाषाएँ बना ली हैं। इसी क्रम में हमारी भाषाओँ में सीमित होने वाले सारे शब्दों का अर्थ भी बना लिया है।  

इस लेख में हम पूर्णता पर चर्चा करेंगे।

पूर्णता क्या है?

Monday, April 12, 2021

ज्ञानहीनता - आत्म समर्पण

ज्ञानहीनता क्या है? जो कुछ भी ज्ञान के रूप में पाया है उसका कोई तातपर्य नहीं है।  केवल यही ज्ञात होता है की इस ज्ञान से कुछ भी बदल नहीं सकता।  जो जैसे चल रहा है वो वैसे ही चलेगा। 
ज्ञान मार्ग में स्पष्ट रूप से यह बताया जाता है, अन्य मार्गों में यह ज्ञान अपने आप समय आने पर हो ही जाता है। 

मेरा इस मार्ग में होना मुझे कोई श्रेष्ट व्यक्ति नहीं बनाता।  यह तो मात्र एक खेल है, जिसमे कोई भी कहीं भी हो सकता है, और वह पूर्ण रूप से दैवित्व है।


Knowledge gained through the path of knowledge has no meaning.  But we certainly come to an understanding that whatever knowledge has been gained cannot change anything, not even a bit.  Things will continue to happen the way they are meant to happen.

This knowledge is clearly articulated and imparted in the path of knowledge, whereas in other paths, this knowledge, with time, dawns upon the disciple by itself.  Being in the path of knowledge doesn't make anyone superior. It is just a play, wherein anyone can be anywhere, and each one of us is completely divine wherever we are.  No one can become divine because all of us are already, and there is no need for anyone to follow any spiritual path to become divine.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Doership - There is no doer

Having talked about the theory of Karma and nullified its existence.  Many would have wondered, is Karma just a cause-effect relationship or is there more to it?

Yes, there is another most vital aspect of Karma, which is the feeling of Doership.  What is doership?  It is the agency or feeling of ownership of doing something. I or mine thought. 

Most of us feel that we are the owners or have agency over our actions and thoughts.  Is that really the case?  Do we really have agency or control over our thoughts or actions?  Have we pondered over this? 

If we had control over things, then why, even after a well-established system of rules and regulations, so many events happen, which at the outset appears as if this could have been avoided or controlled.  I am not referring to any big event; the question here is about the smallest and most trivial actions.  The will to do something or not to do something; is that alone sufficient?  Are we able to accomplish the task with this will alone?

Ever One - Experience & Experiencer

After studying various things, the most obvious question that we all have is, what is my relationship with this world, with other human beings, this universe, etc.  Necessarily there is just one Existence. But the apparent division of Experiencer and Experiences is an illusion. There is just one whole Existence.

There are no two; there is just oneness, the whole existence.  Experiencer and Experience are only two aspects of Existence.  This is a very natural state, whether one realizes this oneness or not.  Primarily one must understand this is not the state of mind because the mind is a collection of various thoughts which keep changing, and hence it is not the state.  Some may fall into the trap of being an experiencer because that is the essential nature of Existence, so let me be the experiencer.  Again, a crucial point to note here is that "let me be the Experiencer" is also a thought in mind; hence it is not permanent.

Thursday, March 4, 2021



Is there Karma?

What is Karma? It is a cause-and-effect relationship, as we understand it.  Is that really the case?  Have we wondered or try to find the actuality of the theory of Karma.  Like any other ideology or concept, Karma theory is being used as a concept to maintain harmony and keep the societies regulated. 

Is Karma - a watertight theory? Karma has been very loosely described and used these days because it cannot be explained.  Karma is not only the action that takes place and its subsequent consequences. It is much more than that, or we can say it is another feel-good theory. :-)

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Existence - The Unknowable


There is far spread bounty and abundance in this material world.  But a spiritual seeker, at some point in time, is hit with a question, is that all there is, or there is more to this world?  We identify ourselves so much with this world, but this world is changing every moment.  Can the changing world be real?  Some of these basic questions bother, more or less, all the seekers.  Hence, we begin our journey into this unknown. 

All that is is existence. Everything that can be perceived and unperceived is existence. Existence is that which is present, past and future.  It is physical and non-physical.  It is even the mental and metaphysical. It is only existence there it is.  It is even the truth and false; it is even that which is imagined and not imagined. 

Existence in itself, we know nothing about it or rather, we must admit that our language falls short of describing the existence. It isn't easy to comprehend Existence in any way of definition.  Nonetheless, we note that there is everlasting experiencing in this existence.  There is a dynamic ever-present experiencing.   However, for better understanding, the Existence – flow of experiencing can be divided into two aspects as Experiencer and Experiences.

Monday, February 1, 2021

आत्मज्ञान क्यों?


सुख के सभी अनुभव, या तो दुःख के साथ आते हैं या फिर प्रयास से मिलते हैं। सुख का अपना स्वतंत्र अस्तित्व नहीं है। इस द्वैत जगत में किसी भी प्रक्रिया का स्वतंत्र अस्तित्व नहीं है। सुख और दुःख एक साथ मिलते हैं। इसलिए सुख के प्रति स्वार्थ और दुःख के प्रति घृणा मूर्खता हैं। 

शिशु का आगमन सुख परन्तु शिशु के जनम की प्रक्रिया दुख: धन और समृद्धि सुख परन्तु धन को एकत्रित करना दुख:। अगर ऐसा हैं तो सुख के प्रति इतना स्वार्थ कैसे मनुष्य का स्वभाव बन गया हैंसुख के प्रति स्वार्थ ही इस संसार मे पीड़ा का कारण है। 

इस मतारोपण की स्तिथि से कैसे बहार आया जा सकता है?  

Must Read

क्या है यह आत्मा?

आध्यात्मिक यात्रा में दूसरा चरण एक बार जब हम स्वयं को जानने के चरणों की जांच शुरू करते हैं , तो अगला स्पष्ट कदम   इस   आ...